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VFX Compositing and Editing: Visualize, Edit, Inspire

Animation Courses 2

Understanding VFX Compositing & Editing

VFX compositing & editing are essential aspects of visual effects production. It involves blending various visual elements into cohesive scenes and sequencing the video footage to finalize the project. The composting includes the mixing of live-action footage, CGI, and other visual components such that they work seamlessly using techniques such as layering, matte extraction, colour correction,  and integration. On the other hand, VFX editing focuses on cutting and trimming the video clips and adding features such as special effects, sound design, and transition to enhance the visualization. VFX compositing & Editing are a crucial part of any VFX project.

Arena animation program on VFX compositing & editing helps the learner to get hands-on experience with the latest tools & techniques that can elevate their career.

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Students Placement Cell

At Arena, we have a team that looks into the placement training, assists the students and helps them to prepare for the interview. The top recruiters at Arena are:

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